
集会将在表演场地举行. All candidates and graduates should arrive between 4:45pm and 5:15pm. Use the east entrance to the Regional Sports Center directly off of the north parking lot and proceed to the check-in table inside the Performance Court.

4:45 – 5:15pm All graduates and candidates must report to the Regional Sports Center

  • Check-in at the registration table in the Performance Court.
  • Verify the accuracy of the information on the card you receive.
  • Print your name phonetically if you have a difficult-sounding name.
  • Hold on to this card until you approach the stage during the ceremony.

5:25pm 阵容

  • Graduates and candidates will line up by program/major; there will be signs on the rows identifying programs of study.
  • Line up alphabetically in the appropriate row; you will need to check with others in line to arrange yourselves accordingly.
  • 重要提示:不要乱逛! When you have found your place, please remain in line and make adjustments as others need to step in. Be sure you are done taking pictures before we begin lining up.

5:50pm 列队行进的

  • The processional will be led by the mace bearer, 阶段党, 教员/员工, 然后是毕业生和候选人. Faculty marshals will direct everyone to their seats.
  • Both lines will move around the back of the curtains and march in from the opposite side of the Field House.
  • Stay in rows of 2, following the directions of the faculty marshals, until you have found your seat.
  • It is important for students to move to their seats as quickly as possible so the ceremony can begin on time.
  • When reaching the chairs, turn and face the stage.
  • Please remain standing until after the color guard has posted the colors and the National Anthem has been performed.


  • 当你面对舞台时, you will be going up to the stage on the left and exiting the stage on the right.
  • Remain seated until it is your row’s turn to walk to the stage; please try to stand together.
  • Faculty members will lead the graduates and candidates to the stage.
  • As the graduate/candidate before you is walking across the stage, hand your card to the announcer – proceed across the stage as your name is read.
  • You will receive your diploma cover from the vice president; take it in your left hand and shake hands with the vice president and President Boyd with your right hand. Your picture will be taken as you are shaking hands with the president.
  • 当你离开舞台往右走, stand on the “x” at the bottom of the ramp to have your picture taken with your diploma case.
  • 回到座位上的时候, remain standing until everyone in your row has received their diploma case and returned to their seat.
  • When all candidates have been acknowledged and are presented to the audience, you will be directed from the podium to move your tassel from the right to the left side of your cap.


  • 在仪式结束时, 老师们将带领舞台上的人离开, 其次是教职员工, who will form a gauntlet in front of the bleachers for the graduates to march through. The faculty marshals will lead the graduates back to the Performance Court where they will receive their gift and exit to join their guests for a reception. The reception will be held outside, or throughout the Sports Center in the case of inclement weather. Graduates and guests are encouraged to disperse and take advantage of the celebratory photo opportunities that have been created for them.


  • The Regional Sports Center is special needs-accessible; however, 如果你有特殊需要, 请在邮件回复中注明, so that specific accommodations may be arranged. In addition, if you have guests with special needs, please indicate that in your RSVP as well. No tickets are needed but it helps us to plan for an appropriate number of seats in that section.


  • 所有参与者均为 要求 to stay for the entire ceremony (approximately 2 hours in length)
  • 所有参与者均为 要求 戴帽子,穿长袍. There will not be caps and 礼服s for purchase at the Performance Court, 所以请带上你的帽子, 礼服, 和流苏一起去登记.
  • Please help maintain the dignity of this special event by demonstrating appropriate, respectful behavior throughout the proceedings.
  • There are no security services for coats, purses, or other personal items. Once the candidates/graduates leave the Performance Court, it will be locked. No one should leave personal items in the Performance Court.
  • 请记得带别针, 发夹, and other such items you may need for securing caps or repairing clothing.
  • Due to the number of guests who attend the 毕业典礼 ceremony, we recommend they come early in order to get the best seating.
  • Be sure all cell phones and pagers are turned to silent mode prior to the start of the processional.
  • 这是你的时刻——享受吧!

我代表整个大学社区, 祝贺你!